Hodgen locad data
Hodgen locad data

35 caliber for reloading rifle cartridges are both few in number and typically 0.358 inch in diameter. All the rest were jacketed pistol bullets.īullets of.

hodgen locad data

Only two “rifle” bullets were listed with the required but unique 0.355-inch diameter: Hornady’s 170-grain JSP and Winchester’s 180-grain Power-Point. Hodgdon’s data sheet revealed a serious problem with reloading the new cartridge. Small Rifle primers are recommended to withstand the significantly increased operating pressure. I also experimented with a few other suitable powders and added them to the chart. Trimming each batch to uniform length proved to be an important step to ensure correct headspace.įor this report, Hodgdon provided load data for several Hodgdon, IMR, and Winchester handgun propellants with burn rates from medium to slow. 350 Legend cases are more likely to stretch when fired and resized. According to its SAAMI specs, the maximum average pressure (MAP) is 55,000 psi, so unlike similarly shaped pistol cases operating at pressures up to 35,000 psi. It’s also rimless and headspaces on the case mouth. 350 Legend case is a straight-wall case with a slightly tapered body so that it will reliably feed in a bolt-action or semiautomatic rifle. But some of you may be interested in handloading the new round. It’s been featured in just about every gun magazine, including Shooting Times. Revision date is underneath information table.Just about everybody should have heard about the. Please check web page regularly for latest revision. Please allow 7 working days for email correspondence from us since the email loading may sometimes be excessive. Please use whatever powder works best for you but always be safe and when in doubt contact or your propellant manufacturer. It is a known fact that different burn rate powders may yield better performance in certain rifles. The powders shown above by no means define them as the best powder for your load. Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute / Commission Internationale Permanente (Permanent International Commission for the Proof of Small Arms) If possible, we recommend that you determine the COAL of your rifle, and load your bullets at 1mm short of the lands. (Please refer to out “ Reloading Tips” for proper measurement techniques) The COAL is measured from the base of the case to the tip of the bullet. The COAL stated is this table is according to the SAAMI specification. Please contact Balistix Bullets if you need assistance on calibres not listed above. Better quality primers will result in better ignition and smaller extreme velocity spreads. Use the recommended primer for your case. If compressed loads are experienced then use the next slowest burn rate powder, if available. If the case capacity exceeds 100% during your Quick Load calculation then be on the look out for “compressed” loads.

hodgen locad data

Under maximum load conditions the case should be filled close to 100%.

hodgen locad data

The case fill percentage in principle show that the slowest burning rate powder yielding the maximum case fill was selected. This velocity may not correspond with your measured velocity due to powder lot to lot differences, case volume, primers used, rifle barrel dimensional and surface condition variations etc. The start velocity is calculated from the start load. The load can be worked up gradually to safe maximum pressures from this point. This load is deemed safe for the first rounds fired in your rifle. The start load = Maximum pressure minus 25%. The start load is derived using standard Quick Load input values which were NOT calibrated for any given rifle. For your own safety, never start your load with the maximum load, always start lower and work up to it, whilst checking for pressure signs at all times.

Hodgen locad data